Indy OCD works with adults and children (ages 8+) and their families. We use first-line, evidence-based treatments to achieve results in the most efficient time period possible. We will start wherever you are, discover where you'd like to be, and hold you accountable to your better self. This requires hard work, so yes... there will be homework!
Christopher Toomer, MPA, MSW, LCSW
Christopher has over two decades of experience in psychotherapy, strategy consulting, and education leadership as a K-12 Head of School.
He has Indiana roots (Park Tudor) and spent a decade-plus working internationally in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Japan. His most important role is as a Husband & Father to two amazing girls! Christopher earned his MPA from Harvard University, MSW from The Ohio State University, and BA in Psychology and Asian Studies from Northwestern University. Christopher has specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD, SPACE for parenting anxious children and ARFID, EMDR for trauma, Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) for PTSD, Habit Reversal Training (HRT) for hair pulling, skin picking, and nail biting, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). He is licensed by the State of Indiana (34011414A). |
Ready to take the next step forward?
Indy OCD
9465 Counselors Row, Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 |